
How to set up automation with ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is an online service that includes: email marketing, marketing automation and CRM system.

To be able to use the integration of Boomerangme and ActiveCampaign, you need to register in ActiveCampaign, then go to the "Apps" section.

Enter Boomerangme in the search

Go to our application and click “Add an account" at the top.

In the modal window field, enter the Api key of the Boomerangme account.

Now our account was connected. Then go to the "Connected applications" section in Boomerangme to configure triggers. Click “Add new resource”, select the desired trigger in the drop-down list.

To set up a trigger, you need to map the Boomerangme fields to the ActiveCampaign fields. This is necessary so that the data from Boomerangme is stored in ActiveCampaign.

Most likely, the standard fields in the ActiveCampaign contact profile will not be enough for you, you will need to create additional fields. To do this, go to the “Contacts” => “Fields" section.

Click “Add field” and create the required fields. There is a list of available fields:

  • balance

  • bonus balance

  • card type

  • cardholder birth date

  • cardholder email

  • cardholder first name

  • cardholder id

  • cardholder last name

  • cardholder phone

  • current number of uses

  • custom fields

  • device type

  • direct install link apple

  • direct install link google

  • direct install link pwa

  • direct install link universal

  • discount amount

  • discount percentage

  • expires at

  • latitude

  • longitude

  • number rewards unused

  • number stamps total

  • serial number

  • share link

  • short link

  • stamps before reward

  • status

  • template id

  • timestamp

  • utm source

Then you need to add a subscription in the “Contacts”=> “Subscriptions by Email" section.

If the user was not included in the subscription, the email will not reach the recipient.

Now we have prepared everything for creating automation using Boomerangme.

To create automation, go to the “Automations“ section and click ”Create automation"

Choose “Create automation” from scratch or using a template. Then select the trigger: at the bottom of the modal window, click on Apps=>Boomerangme, and select the trigger (resource) from the drop-down list.

Now let's set up Boomerangme action: you need to go to the CX Apps section in the modal window, select an action from the list. Match the required fields in the same way as the trigger settings and click “Finish”.

This way you can add several actions and create automation, which is shown in the screenshot below.

When a customer was created, his email was included in the mailing list, then a Boomerangme card was issued to the customer, he would receive an email with a link to install the card. After installing the card, he will receive an email with a share link. And then when there will be 9 or more stamps on his card, the customer will receive an email with information about the reward.

Last updated