The most popular questions are already answered
Tell us more about your company, employees, background, etc.
We started Boomerangme in early 2019 with a two-person team. Before this product, both founders worked in digital for 12 years. In 2021 was incorporated in Delaware (USA) and raised a pre-seed investment round to start international sales. Now we have 18 teammates, and we want to grow to 30 by the end of this year.
Do you have a public roadmap or can you let us know what features to expect in the future?
Sure, please check this link: https://roadmap.boomerangme.biz/boomerangme/
You can subscribe to the platform updates here: https://roadmap.boomerangme.biz/boomerangme#/updates
Also, you can suggest your needed functions in the Feature Request section: https://feedback.boomerangme.cards/boards/feature-requests
Where can I find tutorials or demos about using your tool and different features?
Right here :)
Video tutorials are available here: https://loom.com/share/folder/e94f25b189f845dab35cd84f854e104f
How does your tool compare to competitors?
Please check the Alternatives page on our website: https://boomerangme.biz/alternatives
What languages do you support?
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Need more languages?
Please add your translation here in the comments. We will upload the new language immediately.
You can proofread and make corrections here (file available for comments). We will add your edits to the service almost immediately as they appear.
How do we reach support?
Via the Intercom support chat in the personal account and by email support@boomerangme.cards
Is this GDPR compliant?
Yes. https://boomerangme.biz/gdpr
Also, we have a DPA agreement for European resellers.
Is there a privacy policy I can access?
Absolutely. You can view our privacy policy at: https://boomerangme.biz/gdpr/tpost/teyah34dd1-privacy-policy
What happens to user data collected by Boomerangme?
We collect user data via the secure https protocol and it is stored in encrypted form.
Can I upgrade my product subscription later?
You will get a maximal features Business plan with further updates
Is there an affiliate or referral program?
Yes! You can view the details about the referral program at: https://boomerangme.biz/referral
Any Case Study you have where your tool has been used?
Yes! a number of case studies for the customers can be found at: https://boomerangme.biz/usecases If you are a reseller, you can find relevant case studies at: https://loyaltyeasy.com/
Does Boomerangme have a Mobile App?
We plan to develop native Wallet app like Apple Wallet for Android. We are also developing a new way to install the card into your smartphone without using e-wallets.
Is the Scanner App White Labelled as well?
Yes, Scanner App supports White labels too. We created Progressive web application that works from mobile browsers. You can find the link in the upper right corner of your account, at the Managers section. Scanner app does not require placement in the App Store and Google Play. The app opens through a link from your domain and with your branding. On a smartphone, you can set an icon on the screen.
Does the white-label option support custom domains (CNAME)?
Only 1 domain can be connected to an account in the system.
Does the white-label option support sending transactional Emails / SMS from my domains?
We support integrations with Sendgrid and Mailgun or SMTP to send email from your sender. And also we support Twilio integration for SMS mailing as well.
Can I redeem all the codes I buy under one account/email for now and then spread them out later to client accounts as they become available?
Are there any limitations to this deal for a certain country or region?
No! There are no limitations for any region/country.
Can I use Boomerangme for Multiple Brands?
Yes! We support the creation of loyalty cards for multiple businesses from the same account.
Is there a Facebook group or community?
Yes! You can view the Facebook community at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boomerangme
Where else can I leave a review for Boomerangme?
You can use the following links to provide your valuable feedback:
Is there any way I can change an incorrect review?
Yes! You can rectify an incorrect review by filling in the form https://tacochange.paperform.co/
Where are the Servers Located?
1. Boomerangme, Inc. is incorporated in the United States of America, State of Delaware.
2. We do not host our servers in Russia. We are hosted on DigitalOcean in data centers in the US and Germany to speed up data transfer.
3. The project team is now in Georgia, not Russia.
What are the reseller option limits?
The reseller option has the following limits:
1 code = 2 sub-accounts
2 codes = 4 sub-accounts
3 codes = 6 sub-accounts
4 codes = 8 sub-accounts
5 codes = 10 sub-accounts
Additional sub-accounts above the limit will be charged at an additional $15/month for each one.
You can still set your own currencies and prices for plans, connect payment gateways and create integrations using API.
And we do NOT charge revenue sharing fees and additional commissions. We will keep these conditions until the end of our AppSumo Select listing. Immediately after completion we will introduce new limits for the reseller option, which will correspond to the standard conditions.
We are so excited to provide you the best opportunities as more as we can.
Please take a look to updated Reseller deck:
Why the push notifications do not work for Android?
Google does not know how to send push notifications. But we are working on a solution to this problem. The message is visible only if you open the card in Google pay.
On Android, you can put the card in the Wallet Passes app (analog of Apple Wallet for Android) and then the client will receive push notifications like iPhone (a pop-up window on the smartphone screen)
Google Wallet - we're in the process of working and if there's a feature in this app, then customers will be able to receive push notifications, too.
We are also developing a new way to install the card into your smartphone without using e-wallets. Android owners will be able to receive push notifications.
Is there any way I can get access to the marketing material?
Each reseller sets its own WL, its own domain, we do not provide marketing materials.
You can use the videos and adjust them to suit you.
We can give you the layout of the site as https://boomerangme.biz/ for this you must have an account in the service https://tilda.cc/?r=1240057 rate Personal. You tell us your login and we will give you the layout of the site. You will only need to change the site for yourself.
Source code for boomerangme.biz in HTML/CSS/JS https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17paJ1YRzOQitLBPWneCmbtg8EKd97XZM?usp=sharing
How does the White Label Setup Work?
You need to connect the domain. After that the tabs for configuring WL will become available
Image sizes will be added by the end of the week. Now you can upload in any size.
Can I use Promo code?
This option is not yet available. In development. But you, as a reseller, can assign a rate for a sub-account manually. So maybe you don't need the promo code option yet.
How does the Reseller account work?
You can see a walkthrough video on the reseller account on the following link:
Can Boomerangme be integrated on our POS system?
We have an open API that you can use to create your own integration. There are a lot of POS terminals and they are all different. Here is the documentation about our API https://boomerangmeeng.docs.apiary.io/
Unfortunately, we cannot give examples. Because customers make their own integrations and we do not see with which POS systems.
If you have any questions about API, please reach out to us and we will be glad to help you https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fjoin.slack.com%2Ft%2Fboomerangme%2Fshared_invite%2Fzt-1ezd95n0n-aTJJ815lsF~ce03TVvl4ng%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0t5Pth4Q86To12nu7o45JD15Oe4c41hL2QjqJOQoBvSlmY8aMzNBsu6oI&h=AT06r23WTvNn1diMV60tb4pIyZLjG5IUqq9vro_rCblucdB--44dAQY26C_5V65vwy0b-PYWz8L90khMWzjuQB2sBvJi7N6FEYLHRWKYMEOQPknYEgjaPqc3lw&__tn__=R]-R&c[0]=AT1Id5uot5bXqQBa1LcV_zAltfWU2FKAj6f3hg3_gtcTs0pAy4Q7dYb06GbsqnUs1xBnyn2oRjNqlp3vJ-Spjd9FCMCYY2VU4iKwAfj1lmCxSBBaVshNIkKzkVcgzLDAELIADETkRLHpN15wgXbELe5m36O4pyTNt_c
Can I add a Team in Boomerangme?
We are currently working on this feature and will keep you posted on any updates.
After paying for the Reseller program, I can't add a sub-account as the option is greyed out. What do I do?
You must have your domain connected. After that you will be able to add sub-accounts.
How do I pay for the reseller option?
You can buy the reseller option directly in your account in the Agency tab and the option will be available immediately after purchase.
Can I change my domain in the future?
Yes, you can change it. But it's better to do it before your real customers start registering with you and setting up their loyalty programs. This is because the link and QR code where your domain will be generated when you create the card.
Where do I start to set up a reseller? I need you to send me the invoice for the purchase of the reseller license.
When you purchase, you accept the offer and we do not send invoices for option purchases. The payment history is only in the card statement. You will receive an email after payment and there you will find everything you need for accounting.
How does your OpenAPI work?
Here is the link to the Boomerangme Channel, where our technical experts will answer questions related to our open API:
What is UTM?
UTM - you will have a separate link that will lead to the installation of the map. But you will be able to track that this is the link where the map is installed.
For example, you call the UTM tag "Instagram" and you will know who exactly of the customers put the coupon from Instagram.
You make a second tag "customer VIP". You give this client this link and he distributes it to his friends, for example. And you will know who put the coupon from the client VIP.
That is, UTM tag gives you the ability to share channels from which your customers come. Gives you information which channel works best.
There is no need to duplicate the card. On one card, you can create a lot of UTM links.
Reseller Option for AppSumo Plus Members - Ending September 2 (Timer on AppSumo Page
You must have 5 AppSumo codes activated in your Boomerangme account.
Have you previously purchased the reseller option for $499? If yes, you need to pay an additional $300. If not, the unlimited reseller option will cost $799
A $300 upgrade https://buy.stripe.com/eVa5kE3iN3M01W0cND
Unlimited Reseller Payment Link: https://buy.stripe.com/6oE5kEg5z0zObwA8xm
Next, you leave reviews about us on the following sites:
Send screenshots of the reviews to us in the intercom chat (even if they are in the moderation stage, this will do) then we make your reseller option unlimited (within 1 hour, maybe faster)
Last updated
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